We offer a job counselling service. In Hurtado Consulting Asesores the commitment and the security of the client is our fundamental base.
- Registrations in the different regimes before the T.G.S.S.
- Registrations of new companies and freelancers
- Opening of work centres
- Guestbook Diligence
- Subsidies and incentives for job creation.
- Processes of hiring foreigners. Expedients of services of Foreigners.
- Affiliation of registrations and cancellations of workers and companies.
- Elaboration of payrolls / salary receipts, advances, liquidations of expenses, settlements, monthly bulletins of contribution / Social Security, list of costs, application of Collective Agreements.
- Management of postponements before the Executive Collection Unit.
- Preparation of quarterly (Mod. 111) and annual (Mod. 190) income tax withholdings and issuance of certificates of withholdings to workers.
- Processing and monitoring of processes of Temporary Incapacity for Work due to illness and work accident.
- Disciplinary proceedings against workers, in application of the sanctioning regime
- Termination of contract, dismissal, calculation of compensation, liquidation of balances and settlement, company certificate